Environment Minister urged developed countries for active support in NAP implementations

Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Md. Shahab Uddin urged for active support from developed nations in implementing the National Adaptation Plan 2023-2050 for tackling negative impacts of climate change.

He said immediate operationalization of new funding arrangements for Loss and Damage is crucial for vulnerable countries like Bangladesh. We urge developed countries to take the lead to reduce the vulnerabilities of the poor millions living in developing countries.

Environment minister said this in the Ministerial Intervention on the theme ‘Environment & Climate Sustainability:  Climate Change, Ocean/Blue Economy, Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy’ in the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Ministerial Meeting held on 28 July, in Chennai, India.

In the second Session of the conference, the environment minister said world must work towards sustainable and integrated water resources management to ensure food and nutrition security. We are committed to promoting circular economy approaches including reduction of single-use plastics. The threat of marine litter requires collective action.

Environment Minister said we propose building bilateral and multilateral cooperation among neighboring countries to develop policies and plans for reducing marine litter. We must establish mechanisms to trace and reduce plastics and microbeads flowing into our rivers, safeguarding our oceans and marine ecosystems.

Additional Secretary (Administration) of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Iqbal Abdullah Harun and Deputy Secretary (Environment-1) Md. Amirul Kyser attended the conference as members of the Bangladesh delegation.

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